An extension to this CONTRACT shall come into force only after a written agreement has been signed by both PARTIES. 只有在合同双方签署书面协议后,续签的合同方能生效。
Senegal introduced its request for a second extension of the waiver from the WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation for its use of minimum values for customs valuation. 塞内加尔介绍了其有关WTO海关估价协定豁免的请求,这是请求该豁免再次得到延期。塞内加尔目前使用的是最小值估价法。
At the expiration of this Agreement, the parties may negotiate a renewal or extension of the term, provided that the Party B is in full compliance with this Agreement at that time. 在本协议失效之际,合同当事人可以协商延长合同期限,但是乙方在彼时应完全符合本协议的要求。
Research on Extension of Additional Protection for Geographical Indications under TRIPS Agreement 论扩大TRIPS协议下地理标志附加保护规定的适用范围
JMX is a new extension of Java platform standard, and it supports existing SNMP network management agreement. JMX是新的Java平台标准扩展,它支持现有的SNMP网络管理协议。
In addition, this part makes complement and extension to SPV system based on regulations of SPV system made by new Basel agreement. 随后,结合新巴塞尔协议对SPV制度的规定,对SPV制度的论述进行了补充和延伸。